English Letter Writing Format for Every class Student

English letter writing format

There are two types of letters;

  • Formal: A formal letter is the one that can be sent to any department, school-principal, Boss, Bank Manager, etc.
  • Informal: An informal letter is the one; which can be written to parents, brothers & sisters, friends, etc.

english letter writing format

English letter writing format

1. Senders’ address

2. Date

3. Receiver’s address

4. Salutation

If you don’t know the department’s head; always use Sir/ Dear sir.  Keep in mind you can’t use Madam/Ma’am.

5. Subject

6. Body of the letter

In the body of the letter cannot be used contractions such as don’t, doesn’t didn’t, etc. Always use (do not, does not, did not), etc.

7. Thanking you

8. Yours faithfully / sincerely

  • If you write a letter to Electricity Department, Water Commission or Bank manager, etc. But, you don’t know the name of the higher officer of the Electricity Department, Water commission or Bank manager; you will have to use ‘yours faithfully. If you know, then use Yours sincerely
  • Yours obediently is used by students. whenever they write a letter to the principal, teacher in School / College.
  • Yours truly can not be used in a Formal letter.

9. Sender’s Name

10. Enc. / C.C. / P.P. 

       [ Acronyms ]

Enclosures ( Enc. ): If you write a letter and in that letter, some documents are required to attach. Then, first of all; write, Enc after this write points like, 1, 2, 3, 4. doing this all, write documents name as well as attach which documents are required.

Carbon copy ( C.C. ): If you are to send three, four, or more departments of its copies. Then, first of all, write ( C.C. ) after this write the Department’s Name.


  1. Electricity department
  2. Police department
  3. D.M. office department

Per Procurationem ( P.P. ): If you work in a department under Rahul sir and your sir is not presented at that time. you have to send a letter to any department. Then you can sign on behalf of your Sir/Boss. Write the Name of your Boss with (P.P.) below.

Formal Letter

Sender’s Address


Receiver’s Address

Salutation ( sir/Madam/Dear sir/Dear Madam/ Dear Mr. Ajay/ Dear Ms. Shobha )

Subject: ( within 7 to 8 words )

Body of the letter;

1. Tell about yourself/ Introduction————————————

2. Main content/Issue—————————————————

3. Suggestion———————————————————

4. Request them——————————————————

Thanking you

Yours faithfully/Sincerely


Ashok Kumar

(                       )

For Examples

  1. You are living at A-2, Barrage colony, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand. There has been a frequent power cut and regular electricity problem in your city for the last 2 weeks. Write a letter to the electricity department, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand.

Barrage Colony

Rishikesh Uttarakhand

01 March 2021

The Electricity department

Rishikesh Uttarakhand

Dear sir

Subject:– Electricity problem in Barrage colony

This is Ashok Kumar and I am a Student of 12th Class.

I want to highlight the problem of frequent power cuts and regular electricity problems in my area. Residents of our region are facing problems due to frequent power failure. They are not able to take rest and sleep, due to electricity problem. The low voltage has been a regular problem. The worst suffering are the students, they have to study in candlelight at night during exam days. The students’ board Exams are also going to be held next week.

We hope you will get this problem solved before the Board Exam. There will not be a power cut and electricity problems.

We all are requesting to you, get this problem solved. As soon as possible because residences, as well as students’ future questions, are.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully

(                )

Ashok Kumar

( Student )

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